
키보드 단축키


Type Cmd/Ctrl + k to open the command palette to navigate in the app.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + n to create a new card in the app.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + w to close a working tab.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + \ to toggle on and off sidebars.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + L to toggle the theme.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + , to open the settings.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + E to export the backup.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + s to sync with the cloud.
Type Cmd + [ / ] (Mac) or Alt + / (Win) to go to previous/next place.
Type Option/Alt + Shift + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 to navigate Journal / Map / Card Library / Tags.

Card Editor

Card commands
Type / to create a new block.
Type @ to mention a card, whiteboard, date or create a new card.
Copy images from the web and paste it directly to the editor.
Search text with Cmd/Ctrl + f
Undo with Cmd/Ctrl + z
Redo with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + z
Add or move to whiteboard by Cmd/Ctrl + m
Manage tags by Cmd/Ctrl + t
Show the card info by Alt/Option + Shift + i
Text commands
Bold selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + b.
Italic selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + i.
Underline selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + u.
Code selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + e.
Highlight selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + h.
Strike-through selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + s.
Math selected textselected\ text with Cmd/Ctrl+ Shift + e.
Block commands
Move a block up/down with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + ArrowKeyUp/ArrowKeyDown
Duplicate the current block with Cmd/Ctrl + d or Alt + drag.
Select all block with Cmd/Ctrl + a.
Select multiple blocks wtih Shift + click
Transform current block with Cmd/Ctrl + /.
Block Transformation Shortcuts
Select neighboring block with ArrowUp & ArrowDown.
Escape the Code block with Shift + Enter.
Indent / Un-indent list items with Tab & Shift + Tab
Create Todo list with [ + ].
Create Toggle list with > + Space.
Create Bullet list with - + Space.
Create Number list with 1 + . + Space.
Create Quote block with + Space.
Create Heading 1, 2, 3 with #, ##, ### + Space


Keyboard shortcuts only works when you're not in the split mode.
Use the right mouse button to grab and move the whiteboard.
Alt + drag to duplicate a card.
Copy cards with Cmd/Ctrl + c.
Pasting cards with Cmd/Ctrl + v.
Undo with Cmd/Ctrl + z.
Redo withCmd/Ctrl + Shift + z.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + p to search inside a whiteboard.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 1 to use the select tool.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 2 to use the connect tool.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 3 to open the split mode.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 4 to import cards from the card library.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 5 to open the journal panel.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + n to create a new card.
Type Shift + Arrow Key to move around the whiteboard.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow Key to zoom in and out of the whiteboard.
Type Cmd/Ctrl + 0 to zoom to fit.


Create a new card to the left of current Card Tab by Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + n 
Jump to next tab by Ctrl + Tab
Jump to prev tab by Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Toggle the right sidebar of the card tab by Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Shift + \
Search the card you want by Cmd/Ctrl + O
Place the selected card on the right by Shift + enter